I am growing to absolutely love butternut squash. (still hate all the other kinds, but hey, baby steps) My hubby really doesn't like it, but he'll eat this soup, and both my kids love it too. Sometimes I make a double batch and then freeze the leftovers in muffin cups so I can pop them out into a gallon ziploc. We call them soup pucks. Two or three is perfect for a small cup of soup for lunch, a couple more for a big bowl. It's nice to have on hand. Yay Pinterest for that idea.
I got this recipe from a Taste of Home soup book I bought on impulse at the checkout. It's been well worth it. I tweaked it just a bit- it originally called for half and half but I just use milk. And since I always use turkey bacon, I never have the drippings that it said I should cook the onion and celery with, so I use butter there.
12 strips bacon, diced
1 medium onion, chopped
1 rib celery, chopped
2 tbsp flour (I use sorghum)
1 can chicken broth (14 1/2 oz)
6 cups mashed cooked butternut squash (I never measure- just buy a good sized one and use the whole thing)
1 15 oz can creamed corn
2 cups milk
fresh parsley, salt, pepper to taste
Cook bacon and save drippings, or else microwave your bacon and melt some butter like me
Saute onion and celery til tender. Stir in flour til blended. Stir in broth. Bring to a boil; cook and stir for 2 minutes or til slightly thickened.
Reduce heat to medium. Stir in squash, corn, milk, spices, and bacon. Cook and stir til heated through. Top with sour cream if you want.
It's super easy and really tasty. The most labor intensive part is the squash and that's not bad at all. If you don't know how to cook a butternut squash, here's what you do:
Slice it longways and scoop out the seeds from each side. Lay both pieces face down on a cookie sheet and bake at 400 for about 45 minutes. Cool it and then scoop out the flesh. I usually zap it in the food processor for a bit just so it's very smooth, but you don't have to. Just makes the soup a tiny bit chunkier if you leave it as is.
Irish Pub Cream Cheese
1 day ago