So, hi everyone. I am Kristen, also known around as Shoeaddict (and sometimes just Shoe). I am from south Louisiana and most of my recipes come from my mom or grandmother. I really love to eat, try new foods, go out to eat at different restaurants (and old favorites) and all of that so, hopefully, I'll have something to add.
I live with (and cook for) my husband, Blue, who is lot pickier than I am. I am also dieting but I usually cook the naughty, yummy food anyway and either don't eat it or eat a little. Blue doesn't like a lot of vegetables (and no salad) and always wants meat. If I just served him warm beef- he'd be fine.
For supper here, I usually cook some type of meat (chicken, chuck steak, fish), a veggie or two and some kind of carb- bread or pasta or rice. Sometimes, we eat spaghetti with meatballs, tacos, or chili. I'm excited to get new ideas here and maybe try some new stuff from my Mama. The first thing that I plan on telling ya'll about, when it's my turn, is one of my favorite holiday foods- sweet potato crunch.
I write in long, run-on sentences and I am a terrible speller. I am a product junkie. I love taking bubble baths and watching tv and taking bad (not on purpose) pictures of my awesome family. I love to be with them- they are the best subjects. My favorite foods (right now) are- shrimp, biscuits, apples, french fries (I never eat them but I love them so). I am also, of course, a shoe addict.
Irish Pub Cream Cheese
1 day ago
Hi Kristen! Come sit by me and we can talk about our love of the French Fry. I dream of them sometimes. Truly.
I will always want to sit by you and talk about (and eat) the French Fry.
mmmm....french fries.... I got a fryer for Christmas. Ore Ida Fast Food Fries are better than McDonalds! And safe!
Where in south Louisian are you from? I am from Lake Charles!
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